Texas Weather Facts
- Port Arthur in southeast Texas is the 3rd most humid city
in the United States with an average of 77% annual humidity. In
contrast, El Paso in West Texas is the 5th least humid city
with an annual average humidity of only 42.5%. In addition, El Paso
is the 5th sunniest city in the United States with 83% of possible
sunshine annually. Amarillo is the 3rd windiest city in the
United States with an annual average of 13.5 mph
- Del Rio in southwest Texas ranks as the hottest city in
the United States when applying the temperature-humidity index. During
July and August, the temperature-humidity index averages 110 degrees. During the period November 2008 - April 2009, Texas
cities set or equaled the nation's daily high temperature on 91 days
out of a possible 181 days, or 50% of the time
- The average January temperature for Amarillo is 36.7
degrees while in Brownsville the average is 61.4. On
March 27, 1984, the temperature in Brownsville was
106 degrees while Amarillo reported snow and 35
- Average yearly rainfall totals in West Texas are less
than 8 inches while in East Texas totals exceed 56
inches. Port Arthur in southeast Texas averages 59.80 inches
of precipitation and is among the Top 10 wettest cities in the United
States. Port Arthur receives 38% more precipitation than
Seattle, Washington which receives only 37.07 inches
- Although Dallas and Ft Worth are located only
35 miles apart, eastern Dallas averages 6 more inches of
precipitation per year than western Ft. Worth
- Galveston has been hit by the most tropical storms and
hurricanes in Texas. Since 1871, the city has been affected 47
times, with the most recent storms being Edouard and Ike in 2008.
Hurricane Ike was the largest Hurricane ever observed in the Atlantic
Basin, and came ashore over Galveston. Ike was the third most
destructive hurricane ever to hit the United States
- Texas has experienced 98 degrees or higher during every
month of the year, The record highs for Texas during May
through September are 116 degrees or higher
- The 1980 heat wave was one of the worst in Texas
history. At Dallas-Ft Worth, it lasted from June 21st to
September 16th. The average high temperature was 102.1 degrees. 69 days
reached 100 degrees, 28 days reached 105 or greater and 5 days reached
110 degrees or higher. Only .46 inches of rain fell, with 31
consecutive days with no precipitation
- The average number of days between the first and last freeze of
the winter season in Brownsville averages only 44 days, while
Dalhart in the Texas Panhandle averages over four times as long
with 189 days
- From 1950-2007, Harris County in southeast Texas
reported the most tornadoes in Texas with 212. Surprisingly, four of
the Top 5 counties are located on the Texas Gulf Coast rather
than the Texas portion of Tornado Alley. This is a result of
high annual thunderstorm and tropical/hurricane activity along the
coast. Sutton County in southwest Texas reported the
lowest number of tornadoes with only one touching down in the county
during the period.
- One of the most damaging dust storms in Texas history
occurred on June 18, 2009 in the Texas South Plains. Winds up
to 67 mph lofted dust 6,500 feet into the air and reduced visibilities
to less than 300 yards. The cotton crop was severely affected by the
high winds and blasting effect of the dust, causing property and
agricultural damage of up to 6 million dollars
- During the period 1/1/1950 - 7/31/2009, 646 incidents of hail 3.0
inches or greater (larger than baseball-size) were reported in Texas.
Tarrant County in North Texas experienced the
highest number of incidents with this large-sized hail with 11. Three
of these incidents recorded hail of 4.5 inches in diameter, or
- The average annual temperatures of Amarillo, Texas
(57.0), Washington D.C. (57.5), St. Louis, MO (56.3)
and Evansville, IN (56.0) differ by only 1 degree or less
Data source:
Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC